Can You Stop Phishing Emails?
I’ve been talking a lot about phishing emails lately. The reason I’ve done that is because I don’t want people to become a victim of them as it’s so easy to do. I recently talked about a few phishing emails that I received, two of which were PayPal phishing emails and one of them supposedly from Apple.
I took a look at the red flags that these emails have as well as what could happen if you click the links inside of those emails. The first PayPal phishing scam in which I clicked the link inside of it, started to take me to what would’ve been a phishing website, but I got a red screen pop up instead warning me that the site was more than likely a phishing attempt and is very dangerous. You can read all about that by clicking here.
With all the phishing emails I’ve received lately as well as countless other people receiving them in their email inboxes, the question that might be asked is can you stop phishing emails? Well I’m going to take a closer look at that and talk about the best defense against them. I’ll also show a couple of other phishing email scams that I received.