Wealthy Affiliate

Doing keyword research

Keyword Research Using HUBS In Wealthy Affiliate

I’m back and this time, I’m going to be focusing on keyword research using HUBS in Wealthy Affiliate. If you remember in my last post, I focused on creating a logo for your brand which is what the new training teaches within the HUBS platform.

Creating a logo these days is a lot easier than people think thanks to AI and Kyle shows you exactly how to use it within the training and you’ll be using mostly BING for the logo creation, but Canva will be a backup in case BING doesn’t get the logo exactly the way you want it. I also showed the logo I created for my brand new crypto website and also showed some of the early logos that were created that ultimately didn’t work out for my site. You can read about logo creation by clicking here.


Web Page

Creating A Website In Wealthy Affiliate: The First Page

It’s time to move forward with my case study where I create an affiliate marketing business from scratch by following the training at Wealthy Affiliate. In my previous post, I talked about the new website creator tools that are within the new HUBS platform. I talked about the new core training that is in HUBS as well as the new tools you’ll be using especially the new AI tools such as the new AI article creator that will cut down the time dramatically it takes to create a keyword rich blog post. In this post, I’ll be talking about creating a website in Wealthy Affiliate, specifically, creating the first page in the new site.

Creating a website and pages within it can be intimidating to some people because they think that it has to look and be absolutely perfect when compared to other websites out there. This is not the case, what’s important is that your traffic is interested in your helpful content and Wealthy Affiliate teaches you how to create helpful content starting with the creation of the first page within your website.



Case Study: Website Creator Tools Through HUBS

Welcome back and it’s time to move forward with my case study of creating an affiliate marketing website from scratch through Wealthy Affiliate and here I will be talking about the use of website creator tools through the HUBS platform. If you don’t know what HUBS is, you can check out my previous post where I take a look at some of the main aspects of the new HUBS platform within Wealthy Affiliate.

In this post, I’m going to be moving forward with my case study and I will be creating a new HUBS section for the website that I’ll be using, choosing a niche which is actually already done, but I do want to talk about that process again here, choosing a theme, website creator tools that I’ll be using going forward and the sky’s the limit once you start getting all these things set up in HUBS for your affiliate marketing business. I will also have a video at the end of the post and posted on my YouTube channel, Wealthy Relief, showing exactly the process of setting up a new HUBS section for an online business.


Wealthy Affiliate HUBS

Create A Website Fast: New WA Tools & Training

Wealthy Affiliate just had probably its biggest update in many years and it is a shocker, but also amazing! There are brand new tools as well as training that have now become available and you can take part in it. Kyle at Wealthy Affiliate added these new tools and training towards the end of 2023 and more will be added here in 2024.

What will these new tools and training allow someone to do? Well, you’ll able to create a website fast, faster than what’s been done before here at WA. You’ll able to build out your affiliate marketing business faster as well and there’s brand new training that will teach you exactly how to do that, in fact, it will soon become the core training and replace what was before such as Affiliate Boot Camp. I will go over what the training and tools are next.


Lesson 1 of Online Entrepreneur Certification

WA Training: Online Entrepreneur Certification

Welcome back to my continuing case study of building a thriving online business through Wealthy Affiliate. Last time, I had talked about signing up for Wealthy Affiliate for the first time and what you’ll see when you first log in. I had mentioned that it might seem overwhelming at first especially since you may not know where to go, but I showed some of the different aspects of WA and what they are and do. Now I’m going to be focusing on the training aspect of WA, more specifically, the Online Entrepreneur Certification.


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