Affiliate Marketing

Wealthy Affiliate HUBS

Create A Website Fast: New WA Tools & Training

Wealthy Affiliate just had probably its biggest update in many years and it is a shocker, but also amazing! There are brand new tools as well as training that have now become available and you can take part in it. Kyle at Wealthy Affiliate added these new tools and training towards the end of 2023 and more will be added here in 2024.

What will these new tools and training allow someone to do? Well, you’ll able to create a website fast, faster than what’s been done before here at WA. You’ll able to build out your affiliate marketing business faster as well and there’s brand new training that will teach you exactly how to do that, in fact, it will soon become the core training and replace what was before such as Affiliate Boot Camp. I will go over what the training and tools are next.


Niche choosing

Affiliate Marketing Niche Ideas: Choosing Your Niche

Well folks, we are moving right along in this case study of building an affiliate marketing business from scratch through the training at Wealthy Affiliate. I’ve been going through the Online Entreprenuer Certification which teaches you how to build an online business in a niche of your choosing. In my last article, I took a look at the first two lessons that basically welcomed you to Wealthy Affiliate and show cased the method in which you’ll be making money in an online business which is affiliate marketing. Today we’ll be taking a look at affiliate marketing ideas and how best to choose your niche.

A lot of people tend to get hung up at this stage because they think that they have to choose the absolute most perfect niche that will make them the most amount of money in the shortest amount of time. Don’t choose a niche solely on the basis of the amount of money you can make because if it’s a niche that you’re not very knowledgeable in and don’t want to put in the time to research it so that you can better understand it and the problems people are having in that niche, it’s going to be much harder for you to push ahead in your online business and make it more likely that you’ll want to quit.


Lesson 1 of Online Entrepreneur Certification

WA Training: Online Entrepreneur Certification

Welcome back to my continuing case study of building a thriving online business through Wealthy Affiliate. Last time, I had talked about signing up for Wealthy Affiliate for the first time and what you’ll see when you first log in. I had mentioned that it might seem overwhelming at first especially since you may not know where to go, but I showed some of the different aspects of WA and what they are and do. Now I’m going to be focusing on the training aspect of WA, more specifically, the Online Entrepreneur Certification.


How to Make Money With Health And Fitness

I wanted to continue you on with my series of how to make money in different niches online. Today, we’re going to be taking a look at how to make money with health and fitness. Last time, I talked about how to sell candles online and what it takes to create an online business in that niche.

I talked about how to find problems and questions people are asking in that niche, such as going to a specific website (which I will talk about again later on in this article) and how to utilize Google to find different questions or topics people are searching for when it comes to candles. I also talked about how to go about creating an online business in the candle niche as well as the best place online to learn how to do that.


Burning Candle

How To Sell Candles Online

It has been awhile since I’ve done one of these, but I thought it would be a great time to see what can be sold online or build a thriving business from. I’ve covered other niches in the past such as how to sell video game consoles online to how to sell jewelry online. Well today I want to take a look at how to sell candles online and how anyone can profit from it.

I will be talking about the candles niche in general, how to help people in that niche, creating an online business for candles, where to learn how you can create an online business and how you can get started today. To some, it may seem far-fetched of creating an online business in a certain niche, especially the candle niche, but I’m here to tell you that it can certainly be done, if you apply yourself and are willing to learn and be patient.


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