
Latest Scams

The Latest Email Scams

Email scams are continuing to circulate out there. I know it has been some time since I’ve last talked about them, but phishing scams are continuing to enter millions of peoples inboxes daily and scammers hope that as many people as possible will fall for them. I for one don’t like to see anyone become a victim of these scams as I don’t want anyone to become a victim of identity theft or lose their hard-earned money.

I recently spoke to a seniors group at a church about scams and how to avoid them especially when it comes to email scams and so I went over some of the latest email scams out there as well as how to spot them and even how they can be reported so that the can hopefully be removed. I did also talk about scams over the phone, dating scams, IRS scams, phishing websites, and more.


Fraud Alert!

Netflix Phishing Emails Hit My Inbox

It has been awhile since I’ve done one of these, but I thought it was time to get back into talking about phishing scams, especially since I’ve been getting a number of Netflix Phishing Scams in my inbox lately. It means the scammers are active and are trying to scam people into giving them their credentials so they can do some financial damage.

Not to worry though, I’m here to show you how to spot these nasty Netflix scam emails by showing you the red flags to look for so that you and others will never become a victim of the scammers that create these fake emails claiming to be from Netflix.


Scary Hacker

The Coinbase Scam That Nearly Got Me

As you all know, I’ve talked a lot about scams and the many kinds of phishing scams that into my email’s inbox. I’ve talked about what to look for, what not to do in these scams, and how to not let your emotions get the best of you. Even when going through all of these things, there are still some scams that I come across that still can cause me to panic and in this case, it is a Coinbase scam. The previous phishing scam I received didn’t cause a lot of worry for me and you can read about that by clicking here

I will go over why this particular scam caused me to panic and how I eventually calmed myself down and allowed me to look over everything very thoroughly and realize that it was ultimately a scam. I understand that there are things that should be common sense, but let’s just say that I’ve had a security issue with my account with the real Coinbase company last year and receiving an email like this just adds to the difficulties that still continue to this day, hence why this scam nearly got me. I’ll also talk about the one red flag that ALWAYS lets me know that an email is a scam.


Scary Hacker

More Phishing Scam Examples

It’s time to go back to phishing scams because unfortunately, this is the time of the year they can get really bad. The holiday season is now officially upon us and that means scammers are going to go into overdrive to try to take away your hard-earned money.

I received an email the other day that was supposedly from a very well-known online retailer and at first glance, I briefly thought it was a legitimate email from them. Then I decided to open the email fully and read what it said as well as clicked the link inside of it and I quickly learned that it definitely was not from this online retailer.



New Email Scams….Or Really Old Ones

It has been a little while since I’ve talked about email scams and in particular, phishing email scams. I certainly have received a lot of them over the last few months especially PayPal phishing emails. In fact, I talked about some Apple and PayPal email scams and what to look for and you can read more about that by clicking here.

Well, I’ve noticed lately that I’ve been getting some very interesting kind of emails which look to be new email scams, but honestly could be really old ones just resurfacing and that’s what I want to take a look at today. I’ve nearly fallen for these particular scams quite a few years ago and so I want to go over what to look for in these emails and why you should stay away from them and delete them immediately. These are a little bit different from the scams that say they are from PayPal or Apple.


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