
Fraud Alert!

Netflix Phishing Emails Hit My Inbox

It has been awhile since I’ve done one of these, but I thought it was time to get back into talking about phishing scams, especially since I’ve been getting a number of Netflix Phishing Scams in my inbox lately. It means the scammers are active and are trying to scam people into giving them their credentials so they can do some financial damage.

Not to worry though, I’m here to show you how to spot these nasty Netflix scam emails by showing you the red flags to look for so that you and others will never become a victim of the scammers that create these fake emails claiming to be from Netflix.


Scary Hacker

More Phishing Scam Examples

It’s time to go back to phishing scams because unfortunately, this is the time of the year they can get really bad. The holiday season is now officially upon us and that means scammers are going to go into overdrive to try to take away your hard-earned money.

I received an email the other day that was supposedly from a very well-known online retailer and at first glance, I briefly thought it was a legitimate email from them. Then I decided to open the email fully and read what it said as well as clicked the link inside of it and I quickly learned that it definitely was not from this online retailer.


Cyber crime

What Online Scams Are Circulating These Days?

One of my first posts of the year had to do with some scams that I received from my email inbox. I’ve talked about some phishing scams as well as scams promising me millions of dollars and you can read more about those by clicking here. Now that we’re in the second month of the year, you might be wondering what online scams are circulating around the internet these days.

 That is exactly what I’m going to talk about and show you some of the scams that I’ve received this month. Most of them are similar to other email scams I’ve talked about in the past, but they are still important to talk about because I don’t want anyone to become a victim of them. Without further ado, lets’ get right to it.


Stop Now

Can You Stop Phishing Emails?

I’ve been talking a lot about phishing emails lately. The reason I’ve done that is because I don’t want people to become a victim of them as it’s so easy to do. I recently talked about a few phishing emails that I received, two of which were PayPal phishing emails and one of them supposedly from Apple.

I took a look at the red flags that these emails have as well as what could happen if you click the links inside of those emails. The first PayPal phishing scam in which I clicked the link inside of it, started to take me to what would’ve been a phishing website, but I got a red screen pop up instead warning me that the site was more than likely a phishing attempt and is very dangerous. You can read all about that by clicking here.

With all the phishing emails I’ve received lately as well as countless other people receiving them in their email inboxes, the question that might be asked is can you stop phishing emails? Well I’m going to take a closer look at that and talk about the best defense against them. I’ll also show a couple of other phishing email scams that I received.



Beware of The Latest Bank Scams

There are so many scams going around in our world today and it almost makes you not want to do anything, but we know that just isn’t an option. It can be hard sometimes to tell what is really legitimate and what isn’t. That’s why I want people to be aware of the latest bank scams that are going around out there.

This is very important because there are scammers out there sending texts and emails claiming to be from people’s institutions trying to make them think that something serious has happened to their account or that it has been frozen and that they need to give out certain information in order to verify that it’s them and to reactivate the account. I will talk about the truth of how these scams are trying to get your valuable banking account information and how banks will never ask for that if they are truly contacting you. Plus I’ll share some information about how some people in a particular state in the US, were receiving these type of scams.


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