

Why is my PayPal Account Limited?

It has been awhile since I’ve talked about scams, especially those that come into your email inbox. Trust me, even though I’ve been quiet lately, that doesn’t mean I’ve stopped receiving scams. Quite the contrary, it seems like I have been receiving a lot more of them lately, especially those that say they are from PayPal and then causes me to ask “Why is my PayPal Account Limited?”.

We’re going to take a look at one that is fairly recent as the title of it says “PayPal Account Limited”. Should I panic and worry that something has really happened to my PayPal account or is it just scammers trying to scare me into giving away my account login credentials? Let’s take a closer look!


New Year

New Year, Same Scams

I am back folks and we are in a brand new year! Welcome to 2021! With a brand new year, that means all bad things including scams automatically come to an end right? I certainly showcased a lot of scams last year especially ones I started receiving saying that I would be getting large sums of money from people I’ve never heard of in my life. You can read about some of those by clicking here.

Even though it’s a new year, still have the same scams. I’m gonna be taking a closer look at some of the most recent scams I’ve received such as one claiming to be from PayPal, another one claiming to be from Amazon, and a few others that promise I’ll be getting millions of dollars……as long as I give out certain information.


Stop Now

Can You Stop Phishing Emails?

I’ve been talking a lot about phishing emails lately. The reason I’ve done that is because I don’t want people to become a victim of them as it’s so easy to do. I recently talked about a few phishing emails that I received, two of which were PayPal phishing emails and one of them supposedly from Apple.

I took a look at the red flags that these emails have as well as what could happen if you click the links inside of those emails. The first PayPal phishing scam in which I clicked the link inside of it, started to take me to what would’ve been a phishing website, but I got a red screen pop up instead warning me that the site was more than likely a phishing attempt and is very dangerous. You can read all about that by clicking here.

With all the phishing emails I’ve received lately as well as countless other people receiving them in their email inboxes, the question that might be asked is can you stop phishing emails? Well I’m going to take a closer look at that and talk about the best defense against them. I’ll also show a couple of other phishing email scams that I received.


Warning of Dangerous Website

Apple And PayPal Phishing Scams

The phishing email scam flow just doesn’t stop and in some cases seems to be increasing. I’ve received Apple and PayPal phishing scams recently and I want to share those with you today. It’s extremely important to share these scams with you so that you’re aware of what’s going around through email and other methods.

In one of my most recent articles, I talked about a phishing scam that appeared to be a PayPal email. I was able to show what happens when I clicked on the link inside the fraudulent email and it took me to a site designed to look like PayPal’s actual log in page. It’s scary how nearly identical it looked to PayPal’s actual page. You can read more about it by clicking here.


Evil Scary Hacker

A PayPal Phishing Site Exposed!

Folks, I’m back with another look at a phishing email I actually received within the last day. This one is gonna be a little different because I’m actually going to show you what a phishing site looks like. A few days ago, I talked about a phishing email scam that I received from Amazon, or at least it appeared to be from them.

Upon further inspection of that email, I showed everyone what to look for and how it was not an authentic email from Amazon and instead actually came from scammers. The link I clicked on inside that email, should’ve taken me to a fraudulent website that was made to look like Amazon’s site, but it appeared to have already been taken down because a 404 error popped up meaning the site was not found.


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