
Fraud Alert!

An IRS Scammer tries to strike!

Well folks, it looks like I’m due for a tax refund! I received an official email from the IRS saying that they owe me over $500! All I have to do is click the claim form button in the email and it will take me to their official website where I just fill out the form that they need and I’ll be able to get a refund! I mean, there’s no ways this could be from an IRS scammer!

This is definitely legitimate right? I mean it’s not every day that I get an email from the IRS saying that they owe me money. In fact, I can’t think if any other time I’ve ever gotten an email from the IRS so it definitely must be from them. Even the email address looks like it’s legitimate as it says



New Email Scams….Or Really Old Ones

It has been a little while since I’ve talked about email scams and in particular, phishing email scams. I certainly have received a lot of them over the last few months especially PayPal phishing emails. In fact, I talked about some Apple and PayPal email scams and what to look for and you can read more about that by clicking here.

Well, I’ve noticed lately that I’ve been getting some very interesting kind of emails which look to be new email scams, but honestly could be really old ones just resurfacing and that’s what I want to take a look at today. I’ve nearly fallen for these particular scams quite a few years ago and so I want to go over what to look for in these emails and why you should stay away from them and delete them immediately. These are a little bit different from the scams that say they are from PayPal or Apple.


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