Online Scams

Evil Scary Hacker

A PayPal Phishing Site Exposed!

Folks, I’m back with another look at a phishing email I actually received within the last day. This one is gonna be a little different because I’m actually going to show you what a phishing site looks like. A few days ago, I talked about a phishing email scam that I received from Amazon, or at least it appeared to be from them.

Upon further inspection of that email, I showed everyone what to look for and how it was not an authentic email from Amazon and instead actually came from scammers. The link I clicked on inside that email, should’ve taken me to a fraudulent website that was made to look like Amazon’s site, but it appeared to have already been taken down because a 404 error popped up meaning the site was not found.


Amazon ID

Is My Amazon Account Disabled?

Well folks, I received an email from Amazon that makes me ask the question “Is my Amazon account disabled?”. What could I have possibly done to deserve this? Did I not follow their terms and conditions? Did I not properly purchase a product from their site? Maybe there is something more sinister at play here.

If you guessed that the email I’m referring to is a phishing scam, you would be correct! It’s time to take a look at the latest phishing scam that I’ve received in my inbox. Not too long ago, I talked about a PayPal phishing scam I received in which it said that my account with them had been suspended. I exposed that email for what it really is, explain why you shouldn’t click the link inside the email, and what the number one red flag is when determining whether an email is a phishing scam or not.


Warning signs

Seasonal Scams You Need To Know About

Scams seem to be part of our every day lives now as you hear story after story of people being victimized by scammers and their carefully crafted scams. Some are easier to fall victim to than others. I recently talked about the latest bank scams as an example.

There are scams out there that generally make an appearance during a certain of the year and they are known as seasonal scams. I want to talk about some of those today such as which kind of specific scams they are and how you can avoid them. I know there tend to be more scams around the major holidays such as Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years so you definitely need to be on alert around that time of year, which we are quickly approaching.



Beware of The Latest Bank Scams

There are so many scams going around in our world today and it almost makes you not want to do anything, but we know that just isn’t an option. It can be hard sometimes to tell what is really legitimate and what isn’t. That’s why I want people to be aware of the latest bank scams that are going around out there.

This is very important because there are scammers out there sending texts and emails claiming to be from people’s institutions trying to make them think that something serious has happened to their account or that it has been frozen and that they need to give out certain information in order to verify that it’s them and to reactivate the account. I will talk about the truth of how these scams are trying to get your valuable banking account information and how banks will never ask for that if they are truly contacting you. Plus I’ll share some information about how some people in a particular state in the US, were receiving these type of scams.


Car Garage

Beware Of Online Car Buying Scams

I have not really talked about this, but it’s something I feel is very important. People need to be aware of online car buying scams because they are really starting to become more common. I’m looking for another car myself and I do see a lot of ads online of different vehicles with really good prices, some in fact that seem too good to be true.

I recently came across an article on one of my local news station’s website that had an article about how the Better Business Bureau is warning people about purchasing cars online and how a lot of scammers from overseas are producing a lot of these particular scams.


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