About Brian Ambrose


Posts by Brian Ambrose:

Food niche

How To Build A Niche Website

Welcome back to my continuing case study of building an affiliate marketing business from scratch. Last time, I talked about choosing a niche for your affiliate marketing business. You want to choose something that your passionate about as well as knowledgeable about or are willing to learn about an interested niche. This will help you in the long run as it will help you come out with more ideas and new ways to add content to your website.

What we’re going to be taking a look at here is creating the foundation of a website centered around your niche. There are a lot of different options when starting out, especially when you’re decided what the best look for your website will be. We’ll be taking a look at choosing a theme, transforming the shell of theme of your website, adding content, adding menus, and more. Let’s now take a look at choosing your theme.


Niche choosing

Affiliate Marketing Niche Ideas: Choosing Your Niche

Well folks, we are moving right along in this case study of building an affiliate marketing business from scratch through the training at Wealthy Affiliate. I’ve been going through the Online Entreprenuer Certification which teaches you how to build an online business in a niche of your choosing. In my last article, I took a look at the first two lessons that basically welcomed you to Wealthy Affiliate and show cased the method in which you’ll be making money in an online business which is affiliate marketing. Today we’ll be taking a look at affiliate marketing ideas and how best to choose your niche.

A lot of people tend to get hung up at this stage because they think that they have to choose the absolute most perfect niche that will make them the most amount of money in the shortest amount of time. Don’t choose a niche solely on the basis of the amount of money you can make because if it’s a niche that you’re not very knowledgeable in and don’t want to put in the time to research it so that you can better understand it and the problems people are having in that niche, it’s going to be much harder for you to push ahead in your online business and make it more likely that you’ll want to quit.


Lesson 1 of Online Entrepreneur Certification

WA Training: Online Entrepreneur Certification

Welcome back to my continuing case study of building a thriving online business through Wealthy Affiliate. Last time, I had talked about signing up for Wealthy Affiliate for the first time and what you’ll see when you first log in. I had mentioned that it might seem overwhelming at first especially since you may not know where to go, but I showed some of the different aspects of WA and what they are and do. Now I’m going to be focusing on the training aspect of WA, more specifically, the Online Entrepreneur Certification.


Case Study

Does Wealthy Affiliate Really Work? My Case Study

Lately, I’ve been talking about ways to avoid becoming a victim of certain scams as well as ways you can make money in specific niches online in the affiliate marketing business. There’s cryptocurrency scams I talked about, which sadly are quite prevalent, and then I’ve also talked about how you can make money in the health and wellness niche as well as the candle niche.

The reason I talk about this here on my site is because I want people to avoid becoming victims of scams which can cause you to lose your hard-earned money, and I also want to show you how you can legitimately make money online so that eventually you no longer have to rely on a traditional 9 to 5 job. This is why Wealthy Relief exists, to help protect your money and to make more so that you can achieve your financial goals and dreams.


Cryptocurrency Scam

What Is A Cryptocurrency Scam? How To Protect Yourself

I recently talked about some of the latest phishing scams that are appearing in email inboxes these days that are designed to trick you and steal your hard-earned money or even your identity. Some of the phishing scams have to do with fake invoice scams, email account upgrades, advance-fees and more. I talked about how to spot them and what to do if you receive anyone of these scams. Today though I want to talk about another type of scam happening out there that involves people losing hard-earned money through the theft of a newer asset class that you can invest in. That asset class is cryptocurrency and you may be asking yourself what is cryptocurrency and what is a cryptocurrency scam?


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