What Is paidverts.com? Will It Make You Money?
It’s time for another review of a make money site and see if it will really earn you a decent amount of money. Today, we’re going to be looking at a site called paidverts. What is paidverts.com, you ask? Well, I’m going to get into that, but to sum it up, it’s an advertisement site where you can earn money and even promote your own ads. Now some of the other sites I’ve viewed let you click ads to earn money such as Superpay.me, but they don’t let you create your own ads to promote on their site.
Paidverts.com is based out of Scotland and are owned by a company called LINSTOW LP. I came across this site from a YouTube video that was showing a certain way to make money from this particular site. I found it very interesting, but the method that the video was promoting, doesn’t appear to be found anywhere on the site, at least since I joined. Well without further ado, let’s get into it.
The Sign-up Process
Signing up to paidverts.com is completely free and fairly easy to do. When you first go to the website, you’ll want to click the register button on the top left portion of the home page. You can also scroll down if you want to see what the website is all about.
Once you click the register button, you’ll be taken to another page where you fill out information. All you have to do is choose a username, password and confirm it, put in your email address, which sex you are, and your date of birth. What I find pretty interesting here is that they put an emphasis on making sure your date of birth is accurate.
They say that this is their primary security question and you cannot recover that data. If you forget it, you will not be able to cash out your earnings. I find that as odd because that seems to be the one thing your less likely to forget and honestly, that is not a reliable form of security as pretty much anyone can get access to your date of birth.
Once that is done, all you have left to do is confirm the captcha which is pretty easy to do. It will say to click or touch which ever one of the five or six objects they want. In this case, they want you to click the sun and it’s easy to tell which one of the objects is the sun. After you’ve done that, you just click the open account button and you should be ready to go. You’ll need to confirm your email address, but that’s easy and then your account will be fully ready to go.
Paidverts.com Dashboard
Now that you’ve got your account ready to go, it’s time to take a look at their dashboard. One of the first things you’ll notice at the top of the screen is three specific areas that have a total of different things. The first one is Balance which is the total balance of the money you’ve earned. The second one is something called BAPS which stands for Bonus Ad Points system.
It appears that the more you have of BAPS, the better the payout for whenever you click on paid ads. When you first start out, the paid ads aren’t worth very much. To encourage you coming back to the site though and being active, they will reward you with BAPS and once you start getting to certain thresholds, the paid ads that you click will start to be worth more.
Something that I find very interesting and I haven’t tried yet is that you can advertise on here with your ads which will earn you a lot of BAPS. There is some potential there as it’s a great way to promote one’s online business which could definitely help you earn some good money in the long run.
The next thing you have is what shows an icon of a trophy and then a number beside it. I don’t know a whole lot about this area, but it appears that the more often you log in to your account and use paidverts, the more of these kinds of points, which stands for APS, that you’ll accumulate alongside BAPS. Right now I have 45 and I’m close to reaching one of the goals which is to log in to my account seven days in a row.
Moving on to what else is on the Dashboard, you’ve got what’s called My Campaigns (your advertisements), Buy Ads, Paid Ads, Click Grid, Cash Offers (which is some kind of competition), PTC Walls, Games, and Forum. There’s also right below that, Marketing Materials, Statistics, Contact, and About. I will go over most of these things so that you have an idea of what to expect from the site
My Campaigns
This area is where you’ll see your active ad campaigns going as well as the stats that you’ll accumulate as people click on your ads. There are different types of campaign ads listed here that you can run such as Bulk Ads, Targeted Ads, Cheap Traffic Ads, New Users Ads, Fixed Ads, and more.
Some of the stats you’ll have access to are Clicks Purchased, Clicks Delivered, and Status. For some of the ad options, there’s a start date and an end date. There’s even spots where you can check how your banners are doing. I have to say that this not a bad idea and if you’re building an online business, such as an affiliate marketing business, which might just help you out in the long run.
This is something I might just test out in the future to see just how effective these ads are. It seems like they would get in front of a lot of members at Paidverts and you can choose how long they get to stay at whatever website you’re promoting.
Buy Ads
Just like the above title says, this is where you buy ads at on the site. When you first click it, there’s a menu that pops up with different options for you to choose. I clicked on overview as this shows you all the available ad types that you can purchase and it also gives a description of them and what people will need to do when they click your ad.
Some of the ad types seem interesting such as the New Users one. According to its description, you spend just $1.00 to get over 500 visits from new users of Paidverts. What makes this interesting, and would also be a requirement of some of the other ads available, is that the new users will have to visit your site for five seconds, after they type (or copy & paste) 1 line of text.
I think that’s brilliant because they want to make sure that you are paying attention and if you really are, then you should type 1 thing about the ad. Some of the other ad types require even more such as Targeted Ads and Bulk ads as they want you to type 3 lines of text about my specific offering. One nice thing about the Targeted Ads is that you can spend anywhere from $0.02 to $10.00 which is not bad at all and should be able to fit in with most budgets.
Something I do have to mention though is that Paidverts makes sure to let you know that buying ads will in no way make you money with the site. I can understand why because the potential to make money from whatever else you’re promoting is there. Instead, they want you to make money by viewing other ads and they make it enticing by upping the amount that you can earn just for clicking and viewing other ads.
Paid Ads
This section on the dashboard lets you view ads for a certain amount of BAPS. There’s only a certain amount of ads you can view each day that you are there, but it’s an easy way to bring up your total BAPS and you just have to view the ads or stay on the page for mere seconds.
The Paid Ads do have an expiration time on them so you’ll want to click on them and view the ads before they expire. When you first start out, you usually earn about 12 BAPS per ad that you view, but the more often you use Paidverts, the more that you can earn later on.
This area won’t take you very long to complete as there isn’t a whole lot of ads to start out with. It’s a good way to gain some of the points and pass the time.
Eventually, with more time at the site, you should be able to get access to more paid ads and ads that should offer you more. It’s certainly possible to access to ads that will pay you $2.00 or even more, but that depends on how often you visit the site and participate in the activities in which you can earn money and BAP.
The Rest Of The Dashboard and My Final Thoughts
Finishing out what’s on the dashboard, there’s what’s called Clickgrid. You’ll see a fairly large image that is divided up into grids. There are quite a few grids, but you only have twenty chances to click on the grids for a chance at winning a small amount of money. They really don’t add up to a whole lot when you first start out, usually a penny or two and there’s no guarantee you’ll win each time you give it a go.
I believe the amount you could earn from that though does go up so there’s potential to earn more if you’re lucky enough to select a grid that is worth something. So far I haven’t been lucky, but I don’t mind giving it a try from time to time.
Next up is Cash Offers. You won’t have access to it as soon as you sign up as you have to complete certain objectives during your first seven days in order to open up this section. I had just completed mine so now I have full access. Cash Offers is just like it sounds. You complete offers in exchange for a certain amount of money. Some of them require you to take a survey and you can generally earn anywhere from $0.07 on up to $7.00.
I’ve never quite been a fan of this particular way to earn money and that’s manly because you have to sign up for an offer which could end up costing you some money. Sometimes they might want you to sign up for a free trial, but if you forget to cancel before the trial is up, you’ll be charged a subscription fee for whatever service you decided to try.
Last, but not least on the dashboard, we have Games and a Forum. There are different games in this section that will allow you to earn some BAPS. There are also random chances to win a large amount of them. Be warned though a lot of the games available will end costing you BAPS to play, but the potential is there to win some more. I tried a simple coin flip game and bet 100 BAPS, but I ended up winning 100 on one play. It’s up to you whether or not you want to play the games on here, but I’d much rather view the ads where I know for sure I’ll earn BAPS which will eventually lead to more money.
My verdict on whether or not Paidverts is a scam is definitely that it is not a scam, but it may take a while to earn money the way they want you to. With that being said though, there is definitely potential to use it as a platform to earn long term money because you can create your own ads at the site to be viewed by others and who also may have an interest in what you have to offer so in that aspect, Paidverts may actually be worth your time.
If you want to learn how to build a long term online business to where you can leave a traditional full time 9 to 5 job and decide when you want to work and when you want to take a vacation, then the best place to do that is Wealthy Affiliate. You can read my review here and see why I recommend it more than anything else. It’s free to try out and you get to have 1 free website of your creation. You can watch the video below to get a more visual overview of Paidverts. Feel free to comment on if you’ve tried Paidverts before or not or if it interests you at all.
April 22, 2020 @ 3:53 am
Gladly to see that at least,this is not a scam. However,this paidadverts is not for someone like me who wishes to build my business over a long period of time. I really appreciate this post though but I feel that I’d be more better suited if I focus more on what I want rather than the few cents or bucks earned from here
April 22, 2020 @ 11:54 am
You are correct in the traditional sense on how they offer you to make money from the site. However, do not discount that site completely has it can actually help you with a building a business over the long period because they allow you to create ads for whatever it is your promoting and so far, it looks to be a bit cheaper than some of the other traditional PPC places.
April 22, 2020 @ 3:54 am
Hello Brian, a really beautiful and well relayed review on Paidverts. Online means of making money are quite much today and there have been missteps for those who are not careful enough to read a review on a platform before joining. Paidvert has a really nice idea, but it will be much better if they work on the agenda better to make room for better chances of earning. Thanks for the suggestion of wealthy affiliate, I’ll look up on it shortly. Cheers
April 22, 2020 @ 11:55 am
What I like about Paidverts is that it does allow you to promote a long term business with ads you can create there. That alone makes Paidverts worth giving a try.
April 22, 2020 @ 3:55 am
Hey man, I just had someone try sell this to me through email. And from the get-go it definitely did look like something genuine. I have had no such luck with paid advertising in the past and I am told it takes a huge investment before you find something that works. Is this also true with Paidverts? How much will it cost me before I start making money back? Thanks
April 22, 2020 @ 12:00 pm
It does cost you money to advertise there, but from what I’ve seen of the different ad types they have, it is cheaper than more traditional PPC places. You don’t necessarily have to put a huge investment for their ads, but it all depends on which ad type you choose and there’s no guarantee on when you’ll make the money back as it depends on if the audience is interested in your offer or not. A general rule of thumb in this case is to never invest more than what you’re comfortable losing. A lot of times this will be trial and error, but if you’re consistent, eventually you’ll find something that works in paid advertisement. Kyle even has lessons on paid advertisement in the Affiliate Bootcamp at Wealthy.