The OLSP System Is Better Than Ever!

It has been awhile since I’ve talked about OLSP, but it is time to talk about it again as the OLSP system has had some major changes that make it better than ever. I’ve already hinted at it if you’ve read some of my past articles such as my OLSP review as I posted a major update about it.

One thing I can say is that the training has been completely revamped. Gone is the Bootcamp where if you were brand new and completed the first Unit of it, you would get $20. Wayne Crowe, the creator of OLSP, has decided to do away with that. You might be asking why as it seems to be a good idea on his part to offer some free money just for completing a portion of the training. I will explain why he has decided to do away with that and why this revamped training will work so much better in getting people to earn commissions. Now It’s time to talk about the new OLSP Academy.
