Why Consistency Is Important (Staying on Track)
You might be wondering why I’m writing about consistency. What does it have to do with making money online? Well it really has a lot to do with an online business and if you don’t have consistency, you’re not going to make it in the online world or it will take you longer than it should.
I’m going to be talking about what it takes to start an online business of your dreams and how you can stay consistent at it, meaning plugging away until you reach the goals or success you’ve set out for yourself. It is very important to do these things so let’s take a closer look at why consistency is important.
A Dream
I’m sure you’ve dreamed at one time or another of being your own boss and being financially free as well as free from a typical 9-5 job where you can do things you’ve always desired to do such as maybe spend more time with your family, take that vacation you’ve always wanted, or buying that special car.
To a lot of people out there, they are just pipe dreams meaning dreams that they have, but believe there’s no way those things will ever happen. To other people though, they want to see those dreams become reality and so they might start researching online on ways to help make that happen.
Now the online world is unfortunately full of scams. There are so many of them out there that promise to make you so much money in very little time and with very little work. You’ll want to steer far away from them as they are more than likely scams. In reality, it is going to take some hard work and time, failures and learning from those failures and mistakes and always moving forward. Only than will you be successful.
Always remember why you started in the first place. Make sure you keep that dream so that it helps keep you on track. My dream is to eventually be debt free and to do the kind of traveling that I’ve always wanted to do. There’s so much of the United States I have yet to see and than I’d like to travel to other countries in the future.
Whatever your dream is, hold on to it and take action to make it a reality. Don’t ever let anyone say that you can’t reach that dream because you can. If Michael Jordan listened to his basketball coach when he cut him from the basketball team his sophomore year in high school, we might never have seen what he had done in the NBA. No, instead it pushed him so hard to be successful that he is now arguably the greatest player to have ever played basketball. He didn’t let a setback stop him, it just fueled him instead and that’s what we need to do with whatever situation comes up in our lives.
Now that you have the dream and want to make it a reality, once you find a way to make that happen, the key is to stay motivated in the long run in order for what you want in life to actually happen. That can sometimes be a very difficult process as things do come up in our lives that take our focus away from what should be a main priority or we just let ourselves get distracted by other things.
Trust me, I’m very guilty of this. I’m still in that 9-5 day job world and I also do a side hustle for a little extra money where I deliver food. When I get home from doing both of those things, pretty much my entire day is spent and I just want to relax for an hour or two and than go to bed. Yet at the back of my mind, I can’t help but feel that if I want to get away from this scenario that I’m currently in, I have to put in the time with my online websites and order to make my dream become a reality.
Putting things off until another day just prolongs the reaching of my goals. Even though it’s hard, I force myself to work on my online businesses even if it’s just for an hour or two so I can continuously move ahead. Sometimes I have to remind myself of why I’m doing this in the first place.
There are times that you’re just going to have to dig deep to find that motivation. I sometimes have to think back a few years ago when I found this amazing opportunity. I was ecstatic, I was happy, it felt like I finally found something that I can do and eventually make it into a thriving online business. My mind was running wild with ideas and how this would change my life and make it better. I held onto that for a while, but after a time, that all starts to fizzle. Doubt starts to creep in, and than you might wonder if this is even worth your time.
This is where you have to dig in and remember why you’re doing this in the first place. I will give you some tips in the next part in order to keep your motivation up and stay on track of working on your online business. It will definitely help you in the long run and you’ll be very glad you did this.
Write Down Your Goals and Daily Activities
You’ll want to get a journal or even a notepad to write down why you wanted to do this in the first place. What were your motivations to start this venture? Were you very passionate about it when you started? What are you hoping to get out of this? Have you explored all avenues to ensure you can reach success? It’s also important to write down daily goals.
An example of this could be that on Monday, you’ll do some research in your niche to find the latest trends or biggest new products. Tuesday, could be going through training to make sure you are on the right track with your business and that you understand the topics to make your business successful.
On Wednesday you might start writing down ideas and topics centered around keywords for new posts to be added onto your website. Thursday might me a day where you start writing your drafts of new content and maybe do some more research. You can add whatever else you feel is needed to stay on task for Friday and the weekend, but make sure you at least get a day of rest in there as it is nice to take a break once in a while from everything so that you don’t feel overwhelmed.
A journal is also a good place to write down any content ideas that might pop into your head so that way you can research them later after you jot them down. Make sure to go back into your journal everyday to check your daily activities as well as any ideas you might’ve written down. This will help keep you in a consistent pattern.
Focus On One Thing At A Time
It’s easy to get overwhelmed with things especially if you want to get your online business into a successful position. You might be thinking of a million different things a minute as well as the things going on in your daily life, but you want to try to focus on one thing at a time. It’s been said that multi-tasking is great, but if you focus on too many things at once, you risk being stretched too thin and than the quality of your work will suffer.
The owner of Wealthy Affiliate said it best in that focusing on one website and one niche is the best possible thing to do to ensure you reach success. Sure, you can create multiple websites in other niches, but you want to make sure you focus your full attention on one first so that you can make it successful and than you can start looking at other niches. There are some other things you’ll want to do though to ensure your first website remains successful as you turn your attention to another niche, but I will talk about that another time.
You’ll also want to do what you can to keep distractions away while you focus on your website. If that means turning your phone off for a certain period of time, you just might have to do that. It is SO incredibly easy to get distracted these days and a good rule of thumb, especially when working on your website via a desktop or laptop computer is to minimize extra tabs in your web browser that way you remain focused on what you’re working on because it’s very tempting and easy to quickly switch between tabs and start browsing the web for things that will take you away from content creation or whatever it is you were working on for your online business.
You’re Your Own Boss, Hold Yourself Accountable
In the end, you have to remember that you are working for yourself and the only one to hold you accountable is yourself. A good thing to remember is your usual day job. If you get distracted by other things and don’t focus on the work you were hired to do, how happy do you think your boss will be with that?
You have to put in the same work ethic in your home based business as you would a regular job the only difference is the way you get paid. At a 9-5 job you are trading your time for money so you’ll generally work an 8-hour shift for an hourly wage. Now with your online business (mainly Affiliate Marketing), you are putting in the time, but you won’t get paid immediately. What you are doing is creating work that will get you paid later on down the line, but the beauty of it is that it’s totally scalable and you can earn more in the long run than you typically can in a day job.
If done right, you can earn money while you’re sleeping! That is what is known as passive income and I’ll talk more about that in a future update. The only way though to make that happen is by what I talked about above, putting in consistent action. Again, you want to put out helpful quality content to your audience so that they can benefit from it and start trusting you. Consistent work will make that happen and by doing all what I described above, will keep you on the track to success.
Now if you feel like this is something you can do, but don’t know where to go to start building an online business especially in a niche you’re very interested in or you know you have lots of knowledge that can be very beneficial to people, than check out my review of Wealthy Affiliate which you can click on the link below.
It does have the best training I’ve seen anywhere online and will ensure you are successful if you are ready to put in the time and focus to create a thriving online business. DO NOT think that you can’t succeed, because you can. It’s going to take hard work and dedication, especially in the beginning and this is why consistency is important. There are many success stories at Wealthy Affiliate and they are not fake, but they will all tell you the samething. It took hard and consistent work in the beginning, but they were determined to reach success so they followed the training thoroughly, worked on their website as often as they could, asked for help when they needed it and continued to push ahead, even when something didn’t work.
Yes, there are those that are making tens of thousands of dollars a month, but again it didn’t happen overnight and it definitely took a while for that to happen. They will tell you they worked for months without any kind of revenue or income coming in and than suddenly it starts to happen. They start making just a little bit. It might start anywhere from $0.50 to $5.00 a month and than soon $20 a month. Working continuously, they soon started earning $50- $100 a month. Soon that started blossoming into $1,000 a month and with continued focus they soon began making $5,000+ a month. Anyone can do this and if you are a hard and consistent worker, you are definitely ready to create an online business. Click on the link below to read my review of Wealthy Affiliate and than join for free. You’re NEVER obligated to put in a credit card when trying out the free starter membership.
December 19, 2018 @ 5:52 pm
Research has shown over and over that it takes about two full weeks of doing something daily to establish a habit of doing it. Even if you really have to push yourself or use outside influence from family and friends you should focus on getting to that two week mark of consistently working toward a specific goal!
Once you pass the two week mark and get it into your regular routine you’ll be far more likely to continue making daily progress! Once you do that it is just a matter of time until you start to see some success, especially in online marketing. My first site took 6 months to achieve its first sale, but after that it has continued to grow!
For me it was all about staying positive even when it wasn’t producing results. I had to keep telling myself that it is all about the long term investment.
December 23, 2018 @ 1:02 pm
There are definitely days where it is just hard for me to want to do anything, but that’s where I have to buckle down and force myself to do it and if that means remembering painful reasons why I’m doing this in the first place, then so be it. Believing in yourself and staying positive are also very important.
December 19, 2018 @ 5:55 pm
Brian this is a great article, and one that definitely speaks to me at the moment. Like you, I struggle staying motivated day-to-day sometimes, but it’s so important that we keep our long-range goals in mind and take some small actions every single day that we possibly can. Whether it’s building an online business, improving one’s health, or learning a new skill, Consistency will always be key in getting us to our goal! Thanks for providing some great ideas and friendly motivation to keep moving forward. Best wishes to you!
December 23, 2018 @ 1:04 pm
The nice thing about Wealthy Affiliate is that people love sharing their success stories and when they do, there is a common theme that is shared throughout. Consistency is what got them to success. They followed the training and stayed consistent with their work.
December 19, 2018 @ 5:55 pm
Thank you for this wonderful post, and honestly it’s something I needed at this time right now. Because like you said, building an online business takes consistent work, and it can be hard to put in hours of work and see nothing for it.
I like your two suggestions though writing down your goal and focusing on one thing at a time, because this is actually what I do and has helped me stay focused.
What are you main goals in the upcoming year? Mine is to write 30 blog post in 30 days as well as write 200 post by the end of the year.
December 23, 2018 @ 1:05 pm
My goal is to write more review posts because that is something I’ve been lacking because I’ve feared no one will be interested in reading them. Well, if I don’t produce them then it will certainly be true.
December 19, 2018 @ 5:56 pm
hi brian
you are right – consistency is the key. I started my own blog in sept 2017 and by nov 2017 I had given up!
I just wasnt focused or dedicated or organized. I decided to write when the mood struck and it kept striking less and less as they days went by.
I restarted this aug and I havent looked back! i have a schedule I stick by, allocated hours to sit down and do my writing, editing, social media posting! and now 5 months later my blog has grown and i get around 300 visitors to my blog in a month…its not much but im getting there!
i have my goals written down for each day, week, month and year and i stay focused on it. I found a mentor whose is a fellow blogger and being doing it for over 3 years now and is very good. I suggest any new blogger to get a mentor asap…really helps with the motivation and tips & tricks to get content and traffic!
if you want o be ur own boss..start your own blog!
December 23, 2018 @ 1:20 pm
Wow, that’s awesome! Thanks for sharing how you stay motivated as well as consistent. Anything you can to help you stay consistent is a must and a mentor is excellent for that! I have no doubt that success will be coming your way very soon.
December 19, 2018 @ 5:59 pm
Consistency is very key to making a head way in life. The importance can’t be overlooked. Ones aspirations, dreams must consistent if not you get stuck within a dangerous cycle.
Motivation is a major support of consistency. Because if you aren’t motivated things can slip back and dreams die.
One of the things that can derail our dreams are unrealistic goals. You can expect to make thousands of dollars with a click of a button. Hence the reason you must be accountable in forging ahead .
December 26, 2018 @ 7:03 am
So many people want the quickest and easiest way to make money, but they don’t want to do the work for it or take the action necessary to make their dreams come true. People dream of winning the lottery and though the odds are stacked against you of ever winning it, if you don’t ever play it, then you definitely will never win it. You have to take the action of purchasing a lottery ticket to have a chance of winning it. In order to be successful online, you have to be consistent with your online business.
December 19, 2018 @ 6:05 pm
Hello Brian. Very interesting article. Very well written and oh so true!! I recently started my blog and for me, the most challenging aspect is to focus on one thing at a time… I do my best… but I am often pulled into several directions at the same time… so I try to be flexible but still return to that one thing I was trying to focus on… and finish it. I LOVE that feeling of “finishing” something. I say “finishing” because I believe that everything is always a work in progress… Writing down my goals for the day is something that I do very easily and it does help me keep on track… and when I have other great ideas of what to do, I write them down to get them out of my head and they may become a goal for the next day. Great advice you have in this article! Thanks! Nathalie
December 26, 2018 @ 7:05 am
Goals are a very important aspect to help you stay consistent and glad to hear that is something you do daily. It is a great feeling when you’ve finished something and you can move on to the next task.
December 19, 2018 @ 6:07 pm
Creating an online business is never an easy task. To be successful online one has to be consistent. It is difficult to be successful online if you are not consistent. Like I always say, the only way one can succeed online almost overnight would come with a great risk. And the risk might be that you are going to have to invest a lot of money into what you are doing.
It is risky because if you don’t know what you are doing that money can also disappear overnight. So the best thing is always to start small and be consistent and before you know it, your success would begin to happen. It is not easy but you have to believe in yourself and make sure you are always working and like you said you have to be accountable for yourself because you are your own boss.
December 26, 2018 @ 7:07 am
It is very easy to become distracted in our ever connected world as we are so used to getting things and information instantly, but if we want to have a successful business, we have to remind ourselves that it takes time and work for that to happen. Success won’t come overnight, but consistent work will eventually get you there.
December 19, 2018 @ 6:11 pm
Consistency is a major characteristics of every successful entrepreneur in business or any other aspect of lifes endeavour, However I also think that it is important to be in the right business/ profession/ group/trade before you begin to apply consistency, Imagine the cost of being consistent doing the wrong things that would yield no result in the future.
December 26, 2018 @ 7:09 am
That’s why you need a mentor or a place that has proven itself to be reliable with what it teaches in order to have a successful business. That’s where Wealthy Affiliate comes into play as the training is superb and if you follow exactly what it says and take consistent action, the success will definitely come especially if you utilize the great community here that is extremely helpful.
December 19, 2018 @ 9:02 pm
Thanks for the helpful post! Consistency is the key when it comes to making money online. There is no way anyone can become successful online without observing all the blogging routines consistently. Experientially, all dreams and aspirations will never come to reality if consistency is not added to blogging.
Generally, we all need self-motivation to move on with the blogging journey and must see blogging as a battle that we must win. Jotting down your daily goals as well as creating a schedule for each blogging day would help a lot in accomplishing the main goal. Thanks for the great work!
Israel Olatunji
December 26, 2018 @ 7:11 am
Daily goals, weekly goals, monthly goals, and even yearly goals are all important. Those will help you stay on the consistency trail so that one can have a successful online business. I know at times it can be difficult to blog or come up with ideas at times, but that is where we must push forward and remember why we’re doing this in the first place.