The Selling of Smartphones: Is It A Profitable Niche
Welcome back to my continuing series of looking into possible profitable niches that you can potentially make money with. Last time I had talked about cryptocurrencies and whether that was a profitable niche to get into. The cryptocurrency niche is still a relatively young one and it is possible to earn some money from it.
I talked about particular products you could promote such as crypto hardware wallets, where they are sold and a couple of affiliate programs you could join to earn some commissions from the sales of those wallets. I even talked about different questions and problems people are having in the crypto niche and ways you could solve them if that is your passion.
Well today I want to look into something that a majority of us use everyday and it is hard to imagine life without them now. I’ll give you a hint, you might be reading this article from one of these. I’m talking about smartphones. We’re going to be looking at whether the selling of smartphones is a profitable niche to get into, affiliate programs to join, the kinds of problems people are having in this niche, and how to go about building an online business in that particular niche if that is your passion.
It’s hard to imagine anyone without a smartphone today and every year they keep coming out with newer and more powerful smartphones. Are you one of those that upgrades yearly to the newest phone? What’s not to like about smartphones? We can do so much on them these days and they arguably make our lives better.
We generally know that the top smartphone makers in the world are Apple and Samsung. I’ve used phones from both companies and they both have their strengths and their weaknesses, but overall I certainly did like using smartphones from either one of them.
There’s so many uses from smartphones today as they are definitely our main communication force with the world. We can easily access social media, Facetime (Apple), Skype (Apple and non Apple phones), book hotel rooms, buy tickets to concerts, use as GPS to find our way around different places and more.
Right now I use an iPhone for my side hustle where I do food deliveries. I can’t imagine not using it and the many apps available for it and it is so detrimental for my side hustle to get my way to the locations for dropping off the food. They are basically out mobile computers that we take everywhere with us. What questions or problems are people having with smartphones and maybe what are the best accessories that people are looking for when it comes to these wonderful devices? Let’s take a closer look at that.
What Problems Need Solving in This Niche?
I’ve said it many times before and I’ll say it again, but one of the best places online to find out what people are searching in any given niche is If you ever run out of ideas to write about, this is a great place to find topics and issues people are having in any niche.
Now for the sake of smartphones, let’s see what issue people are facing with them. After typing in smartphones in the search bar, a circular pattern of many different questions pop up. Some of the first questions I see are where to recycle smartphones? Are smartphones bad for us? Which smartphones are water resistant? Can smartphones get hacked? The list just goes on and on.
You can break that down even further if you want to focus on something more specific. Say you’re more into iPhones and you want to focus solely on issues people are facing with it and maybe some great accessories to enhance your experience with the iPhone.
Maybe you want to focus solely on Android phones and some of the best cases out there that would go well with the best Android phones out there. There’s just so many possibilities you can choose from when it comes to smartphones as it seems nearly everyone uses them and will always need or want something that can enhance their experience. It’s time to take a look at if this would be a profitable niche to get into.
How To Tell If It Will Be Profitable
In order to make money from the selling of smartphones, you need to have a website and sign up for an affiliate program where you can earn commission off the sales of smartphones. Let’s take a closer look at some of them that out there:
Gazelle Affiliate Program – This is a great site where you can purchase and buy and sell pre-owned phones. They have a great selection of the top phones from Apple’s iPhones to Samsungs Galaxy S and Note series phones. They also have other phones made by LG and HTC (HTC was my very first smartphone). Earning potential here is 10% on all trade in and 5% on all certified pre-owned phones.
Amazon – Everyone pretty much knows about Amazon especially since you can practically buy anything from there. There’s definitely no shortage of smartphones to buy as the have the latest models and even sell those from a few years ago. With Amazon’s Associate Program, you’ll generally earn a 4% commission for each phone that’s sold. Oh and there are PLENTY of accessories that people can purchase from there. I’ve bought a number of phone cases and extra phone chargers off of Amazon over the years.

iPhone Case
Swappa – This is another great affiliate program online where anyone can purchase previously owned smartphones and other pieces of technology such as laptops and tablets. Their commission rate ranges anywhere from $5-$15 which isn’t bad and remember, if you have over a thousand visitors a day to your website and just a fraction of those click on your affiliate links and makes a purchase, those can add up quickly!
As you can see, there are some great affiliate programs you can get on board with in order to start earning some money in the smartphone niche. Now I’m not entirely sure if Apple or Samsung themselves have their own affiliate program. If this is truly a niche you’re interested in, you might want to explore this for yourself.
What You Need To Do To Start Earning Money
We’ve got a great idea now on how profitable the smartphone niche is, what people are searching for in that niche, and what kind of affiliate programs are out there for and so now we need to figure out what to do in order start putting all of this together.
The nice thing about being online is that you can carve out your little section of by creating a blogging website for very little. The first thing you need to do is come up with a domain name for your site. A domain name is what will be the main address of your site as an example, which is the name of mine. For the purpose of smartphones, you could choose something such as as an example. Of course, you need to make sure that domain is available.
You could go to domain and hosting sites such as and see if a potential name of a domain that you like is available to be purchased. They are relatively inexpensive and cost anywhere from $12 to $15 a year.
After you get a domain name registered, you’ll need to find a website editor in order to get a website created for your niche. WordPress is one of the best ones out there to do that as they’ve got so many different themes to choose from and plugins that can enhance your website.
If you’re able to get all of that done, then you have to start developing content for your website and you want to develop helpful, quality content that will help people. You also want to find keywords that will get your articles, and ultimate your website ranking at the top of search engines, especially Google. Ranking your website at the top of search engines is what you want because that’s what will drive traffic to your website and ultimately, earn you revenue in the long run and there’s no telling how much revenue you can earn, but a great benefit of that is you can earn money while sleeping!

Questions about Smartphones
This might seem all overwhelming or daunting to you as you’re probably figuring out how to do all of this especially when it comes to getting a website up and running as that might seem like you have to know quite a bit of technical stuff. The good news is, that it is necessary to know the stuff behind the websites and there is a great place online where you can learn how to do everything I just talked about.
Conclusion: Wealthy Affiliate
If you want to create a money making website in the smartphone niche or any other niche you’re interested, the best place to do that online is Wealthy Affiliate. You’ll get all the training you need to create your business, plus you can pick and choose your domain name there since they offer hosting and you’ll be able to create your website there through WordPress.
The training is absolutely superb and there are two different courses to go through that teach you exactly what you need to do in order to have a revenue producing site. There’s the Online Entreprenuer Certification where you build a website in whatever niche you decide what’s best for you and then there’s Affiliate Bootcamp where you learn how to promote Wealthy Affiliate and review other make money online programs.
Wealthy Affiliate does not in any way, shape, or form make insane promises of thousands of dollars 30 minutes or an hour of very little work. No, they give it straight to you in that you will have to put in a lot of work from the beginning and it could take up to 6 months or longer before you start earning anything, but that will also depend entirely on you. They give you the tools to be successful, but it is up to you to put those tools to use.
There are people in the community there who are legitimately making nice incomes every month, but they will all tell you the same thing. It took lots of hard work in the beginning, making mistakes, learning from those mistakes, going back through the training to see if they fully understood everything that was being taught or missed some things from their first go round with it, and asking the community for help.
They had a determination to succeed and kept pushing forward even when it felt like nothing was really happening. When it finally did, it was one of the greatest sensations and just motivated them even more to push forward and work harder to reach their goals. Anybody can do this, you just have to have a belief that you too can be successful at this and take consistent action. Learn as much as you can and don’t be afraid to make mistakes. We all make them when trying something new, but the more you keep doing it, the better you’ll get at it and soon it will be come second nature to you and then success will start coming your way.
There are also many people who join with the wrong expectations thinking they’ll make money in 3 short months and when they don’t, they say Wealthty Affiliate is a scam. In any business, it takes time to become an authority in what you do and the internet is no different. Since you’re trying to get ranked on the first page of Google, you’re going to have to show that your website is a place of value for people and that they trust you and once that happens and you consistently post content and work on your site, you’ll find that it starts to become easier to rank high on the search engines and your traffic levels will increase.
I could on and on about Wealthy Affiliate, but if you want to read more, check out my full review by clicking the link below. It is absolutely free to join and you are under no obligation to ever put in a credit card number unless you are interested in joining their premium membership. Once you sign up for Wealthy Affiliate, you get 7 days to access everything they have to offer there and after the trial period is over, you’ll sill remain a member who will have access to 2 free websites of your choosing and access to the first 10 lessons there. So now that you know the selling of smartphones is a great niche to get into, I hope to see you at Wealthy Affiliate!
December 6, 2018 @ 3:04 pm
A very interesting niche really – I have a small electronics blog and I’ve been looking into ways to monetise it for quite some time now!
I know that phones command a high price, so the commission should be good, but I’m not the most ‘clued up’ with affiliate marketing. Is the free entry point to this Wealthy Affiliate platform set up for newbie bloggers like myself? Or is it more in-depth and difficult (aimed at pro marketers)?
December 8, 2018 @ 4:02 am
Hi Chris! It is setup for beginners so you don’t have to worry about concepts and other things being difficult to grasp. The videos are great and easy to understand and the tasks are also geared to making sure you understand what was being taught.
December 6, 2018 @ 3:08 pm
I am using a smartphone and reading your article made me realize that there is way more of an opportunity to do more with my smartphone.
I am an user and I do have questions but I never thought of that my question also could earn me money when writing about it.
Your article certainly does help a lot to get the picture and to envision how anyone can do this.
I also will look at Wealthy Affiliate, which seems a great platform to be.
Thank you for the encouragement and sharing your expertise, appreciated.
December 8, 2018 @ 4:04 am
A lot of people think getting into any particular niche can be hard, but it really isn’t. You just have to do a little bit of research and know where to go to see what people are needing in that niche which is something I showed you how to do in my article. Wealthy Affiliate is, in my opinion, the best platform out there to learn how to put all of this together.
December 6, 2018 @ 3:09 pm
Hi there. My opinion about smartphones is that it’s a growing niche. So every growing niche can be profitable – because you won’t lack buyers.
Now – I will tell you the only possible downside I can see. People looking for technology gagets tend to do a long research before making the purchase. I mean, the more expensive the gadget, the longer they will research.
So it might be difficult in the first year in this kind of niche, that’s what I think. I know someone who had a 4K TV website. And despite having traffic, he had little sales.
I don’t mean to discourage people who want to start within this niche. I’m just saying it’s a bit harder at first – but if you get through, it should be profitable.
What’s the most popular website for smartphones – in terms of sales? Is it Amazon? Because if it is, you may use their network and get commission for additional items. So that will make it easier, even in the first months.
December 8, 2018 @ 4:07 am
It will take time to get established in any niche, but that’s where Wealthy Affiliate comes in. They teach you how to get established in any niche and find keywords that will get you ranked provided you have quality content that people want. Yes, some niches take a little longer than others, but it will eventually happen if you put in the consistent work and follow exactly what the training lays out for you at Wealthy Affiliate. I know there are a lot of sales of smartphones on Amazon, but don’t be afraid to check out some of the mobile providers too in order to see if they have an affiliate program you can join. I know Best Buy has a good one for smartphones.
December 6, 2018 @ 3:12 pm
Cool article! This is a really interesting niche, and i’m sure this could be profitable as you say. Since this market is so popular, and is also on the rise every year. I see no reason of the smartphone market slowing down, so for this reason I think this niche is really great. Also, smartphones are not cheap but people still buy them often no matter the cost. Which means that the commission you could get can be really high and it will definitely build up to become very prosperous.
December 8, 2018 @ 4:09 am
People like to upgrade to the newest and greatest tech each year and I don’t see that trend slowing down anytime soon. With the purchase of newer smartphones will also come the need for accessories with them such as phone cases, chargers, ear buds or headphones, and more. It can definitely be a very lucrative niche to get into especially if you can solve the problems people are having in that niche.
December 6, 2018 @ 3:13 pm
My question is…is it really profitable through an Affiliate program? Personally, I would have some reservations about purchasing a smartphone online from a source that I am really not familiar with. I think most customers would prefer to stop by an cell service retails store and purchase one through their usual payment plans and can simply return it for any warranty issues. I can see more of potential for profit for accessories as most of the accessories in retail stores are overpriced.
December 8, 2018 @ 4:12 am
You’d actually be surprised how many people will purchase a smartphone through another source. Not everyone can get the latest and greatest smartphone, but they may be in need of something better than what their current smartphone provides. There are great places online to get some older models, but also models that are still being supported by the phone makers and so people would be willing to purchase previously used or refurbished phones. I work with several people who have recently done this as they just can’t afford to get the newest phones out right now, but they needed something that was better than what they had as their phones were 3-5 years old.
December 6, 2018 @ 3:17 pm
Very informative info, some great ideas on niché generation and different affiliate programs. Every day I notice more and more affiliate programs one can join within your particular niché. I’m still very new in the process and I agree, that wealthy affiliate is really the best training to get started on affiliated marketing and everything you need to know to grow a successful business.
December 8, 2018 @ 4:13 am
It’s amazing what Wealthy Affiliate offers and it continues to get better and better each year. There are new success stories being added and training is updated when necessary to keep up with the latest trends in Affiliate Marketing. Best of all, WA is always free to join with no obligation to upgrade to their premium membership if you so choose.
December 6, 2018 @ 3:25 pm
Building an online business is never an easy task and can take a lot from you. It is a world that if you are new to and are not properly guided you can find yourself regretting why you even bothered but it is a world that can give you success beyond your wildest dreams. Your goal in the online world is pretty straight forward but getting there might be where the problem lies because a lot of people can end up wasting a lot of time if they are not doing the right things.
For example some might pick a niche that is not profitable and end up wasting a lot of time on it. That’s just the way it is. The smartphone niche is a niche that has the tendency to be profitable because in the world we live in phones has become kind of a big deal and that a lot of people make use of.
I really had no idea about that answerthepublic site and I just made use of it now and found it really amazing and helpful. Thanks for sharing this post. It would be of help to a lot of people.
December 8, 2018 @ 4:16 am is a great place to go if you ever feel you can’t figure out what to write about on your website, but it also shows what people are searching in any particular niche that they have problems with and want questions answered. If you can answer those by providing quality content, you are well on your way to being successful.
December 6, 2018 @ 3:30 pm
Hi Brian,
I have to say I’m so thrilled with this site ’Answer the public’. Thank you so much for putting this link. I haven’t heard of it before. This is great for keywords, for finding a niche and a name for your blog post. They also put Visualisation and Data separately and you can check every detail – wonderful! : )
A lot of people buy smartphones, it’s a profitable niche I think, but maybe the best way is to connect with Amazon or some similar platforms/programs that sell phones, just like the ones you listed. There’s always a competition, but with a nice looking website and a blog with quality content – it would pay off. Maybe even some landing page, like you were the seller? Do you think that maybe that would be helpful – a landing page (not to big ofc) and affiliate link to the product…?
Thanks for this post,
I’m especially happy for the link you put on the top. : )
That will help a lot.
Best wishes,
December 8, 2018 @ 4:18 am
Landing pages can be great, but I would certainly make sure you understand everything first in creating a blogging website in any niche you so desire. That’s why I like Wealthy Affiliate because they teach you the basics and do it in such a way that it’s easy to understand. Plus the community there is very helpful should ever get stuck on anything.
December 6, 2018 @ 4:16 pm
Brian, Hey! Wow, you suggested a powerful idea of affiliate marketing with smartphones. I have carefully studied this part of your topic. I did not know that there is such a convenience as “answer the public”
I was interested in your advice on choosing a narrow trading niche. I turned to your recommendations to establish connections with any of the online platforms: Gazele, Amazon and Swappa.I am sure that your suggestions will interest many marketers.
I also want to succeed in this type of business. For this, I work hard and study in the Wealthy Affiliate system. Here I also support everything you wrote. Thank you so much for the helpful article.
I will recommend it to friends and acquaintances. Mark
December 8, 2018 @ 4:20 am
You’ve got the mindset needed to reach success, you just need to keep putting in the consistent work and it will definitely happen. Wealthy Affiliate is such a great platform to learn how to do all of that and they provide such great tools to ensure you reach success.