The Wealthy Affiliate Black Friday Special is here!

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It’s that time of year again where Wealthy Affiliate has their Black Friday special! I’ve been locked in at their Black Friday special price for a few years now and it has been well worth being a premium member. Things are a little different this year at Wealthy Affiliate as they do have a new membership type available that’s above premium. Trust me, after reading this, you’ll want to take advantage of the Wealthy Affiliate Black Friday Special.

The good news is that the premium plus membership will have its very first Black Friday special at Wealthy Affiliate and it is one heck of a deal. I will be going over what each membership level has and why you should take advantage of the Black Fridays specials if you haven’t already at Wealthy Affiliate. I’ve been a member of Wealthy Affiliate for at least 5 years now and it is worth every penny.

Why Wealthy Affiliate?

Let’s face it. We’ve all been looking for ways to better our financial situation whether it be from wanting to quit a current job to maybe find a better paying one, trying to get out of debt, or pay for your children’s education. Whatever the case may be, we just want our financial lives to be much easier or in a better state than they are now.

I can certainly relate to that as I’m dealing with debt that I’m currently working on getting out of. I also want to eventually quit my full time job so that I can do a lot more traveling. I don’t get to do it very much these days due to my obligations with two jobs that I have and due to finances as well.

Whatever the reason, Wealthy Affiliate can definitely help you change your financial situation for the better as well as give you more time to spend life doing what you love.

Inside Wealthy Affiliate, you will be taught how to create an online business through the use of Affiliate Marketing. They have extensive training inside, but it is broken down into easy to follow steps as well as tasks to make sure you fully understand what is being taught and to make sure that you take action. They teach you how to create a website, which is a lot easier than you think, as well as how to get it ranked on search engines, better known as SEO.

Join Wealthy Affiliate

What I like about Wealthy Affiliate is that they do not under any circumstances make outrageous claims of making you tons of many in a very short amount of time with very little work or effort or just by clicking a few buttons. They are straight up and honest with you in that it will take time to earn money and they make no guarantee of what kind of money you can earn. The thing that they do say is that if you follow the training and are consistent in taking action from what you’ve learned you WILL start to earn. As far as when and how much is totally dependent on how often you take action.

I do have a more extensive review of Wealthy Affiliate which you can read about by clicking here. If you’re interested in giving WA a try, then go ahead and read on to learn more about its type of memberships as well as Black Friday specials that are happening.

Premium Membership

There are three membership levels at Wealthy Affiliate. There’s free, premium, and premium plus. The free version allows you access to one free website and first 10 lessons of their online certification core training as well as the first 10 lessons of their bootcamp core training and you can remain a free member as long as you like.

If you’re far more serious and want access to the full training as well as more use of what’s inside Wealthy Affiliate, the premium membership is the way to go. Premium is a paid membership that can either be done monthly or yearly. If you choose to go monthly, it’s normally $49 and the yearly membership is $459.

With the premium membership, you get access to all of the main training, plus access to thousands of other training modules that can help you, up to 50 websites that you can create and have hosted at Wealthy Affiliate, enhanced website security, access to one of the best keyword research tools out there known as Jaaxy, weekly live video classes and so much more. You’ll definitely be able to learn how to create and run a thriving online business with this particular membership and is one I highly suggest you sign up to.

I’ve been a premium member for years and it has been worth every penny with all that you get access to and I love the fact that they have a wonderful community who are willing to help out should you need help with anything. Can it get any better than this? The answer is yes, surprisingly, as there is a newer membership level that I’ll go over next.

Premium Plus Membership

First off, I’m not a part of this membership level though it is ultimately a goal of mine. This membership level is more for those who have been very successful with creating a thriving website or two and really want to take what they’ve learned and go to the next level to be even more successful.

The cost of this is a lot higher as it is $99 monthly and $999 a year, but you get access to even more training such as expert level video training that goes beyond the weekly live video training you get as a premium member. Some of Wealthy Affiliate’s most successful members have moved to this membership level and are reaping great benefits from it.

You’ll also get full access to all key features of the Jaaxy keyword search tool whereas with the premium version, it’s only a lite version of Jaaxy that you have access to. You can even get more one on one training with this membership level.

Premium Plus Membership

I’ll only recommend premium plus for those who have been a member of Wealthy Affiliate for a while as a premium member and who have fully gone through the core training and have understood what was being taught as well as taking consistent action and have started seeing success because of it.

Now with that being said, it’s time to take a look at Black Friday Specials happening with both membership levels. You honestly can’t go wrong with either one of them once you see what the yearly prices are.

Which Deal is Best For You?

I’m so glad it’s that time of year again where Black Friday deals are all around and love that Wealthy Affiliate has its own Black Friday specials. As I’ve said earlier, I’ve taken advantage of it year after year for the premium membership level. The special price of premium this year will be $299 which is a great deal considering it is normally $459 yearly. It’s much cheaper going this route than even monthly because paying $49 each month will equal a total of $588 a year. As you can see, you’re definitely getting huge savings by taking advantage of this.

Now Premium Plus has a MASSIVE yearly discount for Black Friday which has even shocked me. I mentioned earlier that the normal yearly price is $999. For the Black Friday special it’s $499 and you will be LOCKED at that price going forward so you don’t have to worry about the price going up the following year or even the years after that.

Samething goes for the premium membership level, you’ll be locked in at the $299 price point which I have been for a few years now and I absolutely love it. In fact, it’s getting ready to renew again for me at that price this weekend and so it is easy to save up enough money throughout the year, especially with any possible commissions you may have earned throughout the year from your online business, to keep taking advantage of this.

As you can see, these specials are excellent deals and if you want a change in your life and are serious about making it happen and are willing to learn and take action, this is the best time of year to do it.

Take Advantage of These Specials

I urge you to take advantage of these Black Friday specials. If you’re serious about wanting to make money online, especially money that can take you to financial freedom, then now is the best time to make it happen. I will give you a huge tip that will help you become successful. Don’t do it strictly focusing on making money. Do it to help people instead. If you make people the sole focus of your online business and are able to solve a problem or answer questions that people are needing solutions to or answers for, you will become successful as you will have authority in whatever you target.

Black Friday Special

You’ll have access to so many great tools at Wealthy Affiliate to help make you successful, you just need to take the action in order for it to happen. I know a lot of people don’t like to spend money, but the honest truth is, in most cases, it takes money to make money and trust me, you are spending FAR less than you would if you were to try to open a traditional brick and mortar business which can cost you tens of thousands of dollars not to mention possible loans needed to make that happen.

What you’re spending here to create an online business is just pennies when compared to a traditional business such as mom-and-pop stores or even trying to open a franchise. Ready to dive in and give this a go with the Black Friday specials happening? Click the link below and sign up to take advantage of the Wealthy Affiliate Black Friday Special!


>>Black Friday Specials at Wealthy Affiliate!<<