Rocking Chair Sales Online: Can You Make Money That Way?
Welcome back to my now continuing series of make money iin any niche. Last time I talked about earning money from guitars. We looked at how you can break down that broad niche even further such as electric guitars, amplifiers, auto turners, and more.
I showed you how to use Google in order to see what people are searching for online in regard to guitars and using the alphabet soup technique. You also got to see how to determine how profitable selling guitars and guitar amps can be through Affiliate Marketing and seeing what prices are at places such as Amazon.
You can read more of that if you haven’t already. I’ve mentioned too how to go about getting everything set up of you had chosen that niche. Getting a domain name so you can set up a website is very important and I’ll talk about that again as well. A place is needed to learn how to put everything together so that you can get rankings in Google which in return can lead to revenue. Without further do, let’s get into the next niche where you can earn money as people do wonder are rocking chair sales online very lucrative?
Rocking Chairs and Accessories
Now it might seem unusual to take a look at rocking chairs as a niche where money can be made or for potential problems that people might have with rocking chairs and want to be solved, but it can be a lucrative niche especially if it’s something you’re very passionate about.
Let’s break it down and see what people are searching for when it comes to rocking chairs. Just like I did in my last post with guitars, I’ll go to Google and type rocking chairs in the search bar. Immediately after typing that, I’ll put a space in it and type the letter A since I’m using the alphabet soup technique.
Some of the things I have come up with as suggestions are rocking chair arm covers, antique rocking chairs, rocking chair bearings, rocking chair base, rocking chair benefits, seat cushions for rocking chairs, rocking chair covers, rocking chair decor, rocking chairs for toddlers, and so much more.
As you can see, there are a lot of different things that people are searching for online when it comes to rocking chairs and you also have an idea on how to break down that niche even further. Now that you know that the rocking chair niche has a topic ideas and more specific areas to focus on, let’s see what kind of problems and issues people are having with rocking chairs.
What Problems Need Solving in This Niche?
When I last talked about problems people might be having with guitars and solutions they’re looking for, I showed how you can also find that on Google. Today though, I’m going to be using another great resource that will show exactly what kinds of questions people are having with rocking chairs.
There’s a place called that will let you type in anything or subject to see what kinds of questions people are asking. Other things you can check there are comparisons people are searching for and also prepositions. Let’s take a look at some of the questions though that people are asking for rocking chairs.
Now is showing 51 different questions for rocking chairs and so I’ll just go over a few of them with you. Are rocking chairs safe for babies? Will a rocking chair induce labor? What are rocking chairs used for? Can you spray paint rocking chairs? Are rocking chairs necessary? You probably get the idea now, but these are all questions people are asking online and are actively searching answers for.
If you can answer these questions in that particular niche and it’s content that people really like, you’ll have no problems earning revenue in this niche because you’ll have gained the trust of people who know what you have to say is valuable and worth their time. Having product reviews in your own words is definitely a big booster with that too. It’s time to see just how profitable rocking chairs can be and what they are selling for as well as accessories for them.
How To Tell If It Will Be Profitable
You now know what kinds of questions people are asking and so now you’re ready to see what products are selling for. A place I mentioned to check online is Amazon since they sell so much and it’s the number 1 shopping site online. You can become an affiliate for Amazon and start earning commissions by promoting products that are related to your niche.
When it came to guitars and their accessories, Google immediately had some prices listed from different sites online. The higher the selling price on these items, the higher the commission will be. I had mentioned in my last article that Amazon’s commission rate is usually in the 4% range, but sometimes can be higher depending on the type of product that’s being sold.
If you type in rocking chairs in Google, the first thing you’ll see is a group of ads that show different rocking chairs at different prices and at different sites. Some of them have some high prices such as a Pearson Putty Clider Rocker at Slumberland Furniture for $599.99. Now think if you were part of an affiliate program for them and you were to get at least a 4% commission. You’d get around $20 for each one that is sold through your affiliate link.
Now lets see what kind of affiliate programs are available for rocking chairs. If you type in the search bar at Google, rocking chair + affiliate program, you should get some that pop up in the search results. One of the first ones I came up with are Now they say that they specialize in folding chairs, but if you do a quick search on their site, you’ll find that they do offer foldable rocking chairs as well. They do have an affiliate program where it says you can earn an 8% commission rate. That may not seem like a lot, but if you start building a lot of traffic to your site and they like what you offer such as your product reviews, those commissions can add up quick.
Let’s take a look at another one on the first page of search results for affiliate programs where you can earn money from the sale of rocking chairs. has a whole range of furniture for outdoors and indoors and their list does include rocking chairs. Their commission rates are around 10%.
As you can see, there are different affiliate programs you can sign up with to earn money. You don’t have to just sign up with Amazon as many people assume. You can definitely earn money with Amazon, but there are affiliate programs out there that pay way more in commission than Amazon. If you look hard enough, sometimes you can find affiliate programs that offer up to 75%.
So now we know how to break down the niche of rocking chairs, what kinds of questions people are asking online for rocking chairs, what kind if prices they are selling for and where, and more importantly, what kind of affiliate programs you can join for free to where you can start earning money from them. The only thing that’s left now is to figure out is what is needed to put all these things into place which is what I’ll discuss below.
What You Need To Do To Start Earning Money
The first thing you need to do is create a website or blog so that you can share with people your knowledge of rocking chairs. You know what the best ones are, what to look for before buying one, the best place to purchase them online and problems that may arise if someone ends up getting one.
In order to create a website, you need a domain name which in my last article, I talked about what a domain name is. It will be the website of your address (which generally is also the main name of your site). It costs very little to get one registered which is generally no more than $15 a year.
Once that is done then you need a hosting place to where you can build your website. Don’t worry, you no longer need to know the technical aspects of a website in order to build it which would’ve been HTML coding. There are now great templates you can choose from to get the basic layout of your site up and running with just a click of a button. WordPress is the most popular website editor to make that all of that happen so now the question becomes, how do I learn to get people to my website? That’s a good question and one I will answer below that will be the final piece of the puzzle.
Conclusion: Wealthy Affiliate
In order to put everything together that I talked about above and to get people to your website, you need a place that you will teach you exactly all of those methods. We talked about a specific niche that can actually be profitable. I showed you what kinds of questions people are asking in that niche, what kinds of prices products in that niche are selling for as well as how you can get a slice of those sales.
Next you need a website to tell people what you know best about that specific niche and of course you need to get traffic to that website in order to get revenue from your blog/website. The good news is that there’s a place online that teaches you exactly how to do all of that and it is called Wealthy Affiliate.
Wealthy Affiliate teaches you how to build an online business centered around Affiliate Marketing. What is Affiliate Marketing? It’s exactly what I talked about above. You choose a niche you’re interested in or knowledgeable about, create a website, choose an affiliate program that will earn you money from sales through site, and build up traffic so that all of that can happen.
Wealthy Affiliate is not a scam and they do not make any grand promises of you making thousands of dollars overnight with just a few minutes of work. This is an online business and you will definitely have to put in the time in order for it to be successful. It will take months of continuous hard work, but if you stick to that, you’ll be surprised the first time you can start earning money and just scale it up from there.
The lessons are easy to follow and you’ll have tasks to complete at the end of each lesson so that you understand exactly what is being taught. If you get stumped on anything, the very large community there will be more than glad to help you out and even the owners themselves will help out as well. They are not some mysterious guru that promises tons of money for practically nothing. No, they want each and every person to succeed there and the tools and things they have at Wealthy Affiliate are second to none.
They will teach you exactly what is needed to build out your website and more importantly, how to get traffic to your website by getting that site ranked in the search engines. Keywords are what will get you ranked and they break it down showing you exactly what keywords are, showing you how to go after certain ones that will get you rankings faster and how to even see what the competition is doing. The best part is, you can sign up absolutely free to try it out for 7 days and you can remain a free member for as long as you like in which you’ll have access to the first 10 lessons at Wealthy Affiliate as well as two FREE websites! You’ll NEVER be asked to put in a credit card unless you’re ready to upgrade to the other membership level which is premium and is just $49 a month.
October 31, 2018 @ 2:03 pm
Interesting, really interesting. Rocking chairs as a niche. Maybe, I’ll try a niche all about different kinds of chairs, not just rocking chairs. This is the second blog that talks about choosing a niche that I’ve read today. The other one was suggesting shoes niche, now yours is talking about rocking chairs. Somehow, all kinds of chairs with tables probably will cover a lot for a niche. Thanks for the idea here. I’m interested to know on how you earn with your website?
November 1, 2018 @ 4:18 am
You’ll be surprised just what can actually be a niche that you or others might not have even thought of or thought was even possible. Rocking chairs can definitely be a great niche to get in if that’s your passion. It’s funny that you read another article at a different website suggesting shoes as a niche, because that was one I was planning on talking about soon myself. I have another website where I target a certain segment of the video game niche and I’m earning a little bit of revenue from that via Adsense Ads and some affiliate sales. It’s not a lot, but I’m slowly building it up and with more consistency, I have no doubt that more will be coming down the pipeline soon.
October 31, 2018 @ 2:06 pm
This is great! I love opening my mind to new possibilities when it comes to affiliate marketing. Selling rocking chairs online is not something I would have ever thought of. It’s amazing how much opportunity there is! You can probably think of absolutely anything and be able to find a way to sell it.
I am a member of Wealthy Affiliate as well, and they have taught me everything about this business. (And they continue to teach me on a daily basis.) I love that they have everything right within the platform that you need to have a successful online business.
What niche topic are you going to explore next time? Or is it a secret? 🙂
November 1, 2018 @ 4:21 am
There is lots of opportunity online and so many people just don’t realize it! I never would’ve thought about rocking chairs either, but it is a niche and people are definitely wanting to buy rocking chairs and other things associated with them such as cushions. Wealthy Affiliate is simply amazing as it teaches you exactly how to make a profitable online business in the rocking chair niche or any other niche that one might be passionate about. I will have more niche topics coming, so definitely check back 🙂