How to save a thousand dollars a year

It is important to save or put money back because of unexpected things that life tends to throw at us. Some people might also want to save money for something they want to buy later on down the road such as a car or other item.

Given our circumstances though it can be really hard to put any kind of money into a savings account especially if you’re living paycheck to paycheck. You might be wondering what is a good amount to put in a savings account and how much money you should put into one each week or whatever frequency might work for you.

A financial guide that I’ve used in the past called Financial Peace University has said that $1,000 is a good amount to have in a savings account as it tends to cover a large amount of sudden emergencies that might come up such as vehicle troubles, maintenance issues for the house or sudden medical expenses. Now you don’t have to stop saving once you reach a thousand dollars, but that is good amount that you should always try to have in your savings account or at least build back up to.


What is a Keyword Search Tool for?

Update: The WA Keyword tool is no longer available, however, Jaaxy is what has replaced it there. If you want to know more about Jaaxy and how that particular keyword tool works, go read my review of it here.

For anyone who has decided to give affiliate marketing a try and decided to join Wealthy Affiliate, you’ll find that there are a lot of things you need to learn in order to have a successful online business.

One of the great things of joining Wealthy Affiliate is that there are training courses and tools at your disposal and we will be taking a look at one of those specific tools.

Now you may have heard of something vital to success online and that is keywords. In order to be successful online and to get traffic, you need to target specific keywords so that you can get ranked in the search engines such as Google and Bing. So then what is a keyword search tool for? The answer is simple.


What is Wealthy Affiliate For? My Personal Review

Wealthy AffiliateWealthy Affiliate home page
Overall Ranking: 95/100
Price: Free for Starting Membership
Owners: Kyle and Carson



New Update!

Wealthy Affiliate has added a new membership level. This new level is called Premium Plus and is the highest membership level at Wealthy Affiliate. This was added at the end of last year. 

Premium Plus are for those who have done the training and seeing a good measure of success inside Wealthy Affiliate and want to scale up their business even further. They get access to more website features, classes and videos and the highest membership level at Jaay known as Jaaxy Enterprise. The price for premium price is $99 a month. 

I will talk more about this new membership feature very soon so stay tuned!

Major Update!

The price for the yearly membership has increased from $359 to $459. The monthly membership price still remains the same at $49.

What is Wealthy Affiliate? It’s a site that has been created to teach people how to build a viable online business through affiliate marketing or even creating your own products to promote. Now you might be asking yourself, “Hey, wait just a minute! MANY supposed sites and scams say the samething about wanting to teach people how to build an online business! What makes this so different and how is this not a scam?!”


What is Capital One 360? My Review

I’ve talked some about the importance of saving money and two different types of savings accounts you can have. To refresh your memory, I talked about having a traditional one at a local bank or credit union and then I talked about having an online savings account.

Well today I want to talk about a specific online banking account that I use called Capital One 360. What is Capital One 360 you might be asking? Well I will certainly tell you in my personal review of it.

Capital One 360Capital One 360
Overall Ranking: 85 out of 100
Price: Free
Owners: Capital One


Wouldn’t it be nice to have money for unexpected emergencies such as car repairs or even a visit to the doctor? Maybe you’re wanting to save money for a brand new car or there is a cruise you’d like to have money for next summer. A Capital One 360 savings account allows you to do all those things and more. I’ve talked about the differences between an online savings account and a traditional one at a bank which you can read about here.


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