
Cryptocurrency Scam

What Is A Cryptocurrency Scam? How To Protect Yourself

I recently talked about some of the latest phishing scams that are appearing in email inboxes these days that are designed to trick you and steal your hard-earned money or even your identity. Some of the phishing scams have to do with fake invoice scams, email account upgrades, advance-fees and more. I talked about how to spot them and what to do if you receive anyone of these scams. Today though I want to talk about another type of scam happening out there that involves people losing hard-earned money through the theft of a newer asset class that you can invest in. That asset class is cryptocurrency and you may be asking yourself what is cryptocurrency and what is a cryptocurrency scam?


Making Money With Cryptocurrency Online: Is it A Good Niche?

I’m back with another niche in my series to see if it’s possible to make money online from it. Last time I talked about Flatscreen Computer Monitors and if it was possible to make a profitable online business from that niche. I had talked about things such as the problems people are having with flat screen computer monitors or questions they might have and where to find those questions and problems.

I also looked at where you can learn to build a profitable online business if flat screen computer monitors is a niche you want to go with or are passionate about. I also looked at the different affiliate programs available for it and what are some of the best-selling products in that niche.

Well today I want to talk about making money with Cryptocurrency online. Is it a good niche to get into and what problems are people having in it or what questions need answered? Let’s take a closer look.

Choosing a Niche

Now before I go on about cryptocurrencies and whether it’s possible to make money in this niche, I do need to make this statement. I am NOT in any way, shape, or form, giving you investment advice on which cryptocurrencies to invest in. This article is just for purposes of shedding some light on whether it is possible to make a profitable online business in this niche if it’s something you choose to do or are passionate about.


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